Cobblestone Clint Eastwood - His Forever Home is in Texas!

Cobblestone Clint Eastwood - His Forever Home is in Texas!


Cobblestone Clint Eastwood is sure to make your day each every day! He’s a charmer, loving and the life of the party, not as serious as his namesake. Beautiful coloring gives an impression of a teddy bear at a quick glance! He’s always ready to play and is very happy-go-lucky, not much bursts his joy bubble 😍 😍. We love this guy and believe you will, too. If you enjoy being outdoors and being active, he would be a great fit for you. Clint loves to be included in the activites and I believe that he thinks he’s a human 💙 💙

Birthdate: 5-8-2023

Parents: Zuko and Fergie

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